HPLC Columns

HPLC Stationary phases for a broad range of separations

For more than 35 years, Hamilton Company has developed and manufactured pressure-stable, polymeric polystyrene-divinylbenzene (PS-DVB) HPLC columns that are used in most of the world’s top chromatography labs. With a wide range of particle sizes, pore sizes, pH stability from 1 to 14, temperature resistance over 100°C, and chemistries to match most analyte types, Hamilton polymeric columns are the chromatographer’s choice for challenging separations.

Anion Exchange | Deksan

Anion Exchange

Hamilton offers six polymeric packaging materials for anion exchange separations.

Ion Exclusion | Deksan

Ion Exclusion

Ion exclusion chromatography excludes ionized samples, suitable for weak acid mixtures.

Cation Exchange | Deksan

Cation Exchange

Cation exchange chromatography is controlled by the pH and ionic strength of the mobile phase for positively charged samples.

Reversed-Phase | Deksan


Hamilton reversed-phase HPLC columns combine silica-based and polymeric properties for inertness and longevity.